Are you a dance school?

No we are not a school we are an agency that offers a platform for our free lance teachers to advertise themselves and their skills.  

Are you based in one location? 

No although our head office is in Harrogate North Yorkshire. We represent teachers all over the UK who travel around to work and therefore our company stretches all across the country. 

How do I hire one of the teachers you represent? 

You can email us at thoulasteachers@gmail.com tell us what kind of teacher you are needing and for how long and we will help find the perfect person for you. 

Do I have to be featured on the website or on social media?

No, we have lots of teachers who we represent but prefer to stay off social media. Although we do recommend being featured. 

When we are contacted by schools and teachers we recommend teachers based on the institutions needs so it is not necessary to be featured. We spend a lot of time getting to know our teachers so we can help them the best we can.  

Is this a pyramid scheme?

No, we offer a unique platform to help self - employed teachers. 

© 2019 Thoula's Dance TDT 
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